Spring Chicken Festival Sponsor Information
Would your business interested in a guaranteed effective way to reach out and market to THOUSANDS within your community?
We have an answer for you! Become a sponsor with Keep Hall Beautiful's annual fundraiser, the Spring Chicken Festival! It is just the right place for your business to gain that exposure you have been looking for!
Attendees will remember the fun family experience they had at this event and remember that your business was a HUGE part in making those memories come to life!
Sponsorship can include having a booth directly in the middle of the festival, having your name mentioned and recognized throughout the day from the entertainment stage, having a banner/signage and logo on printed materials, being highlighted on our social media outlets, AND knowing that you played a huge part in supporting a great community family friendly event!!
Ready to get exposure from THOUSANDS? GREAT!
Simply download your sponsorship form by clicking here.
Once you have completed your sponsorship form, simply email it to us, here or if you would like further assistance please feel free to give us a call @ 770.531.1102.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.